Frank Mitchell

Smoothly scrolling a world with JavaScript

Hard Vacuum: Recon is a vertical shooter without the shooting. To pull off the illusion of flight, I move the world as the player flys over it. Getting that animation running smoothly, while allowing the world to form dynamically, is tricky. Here’s how it works.

Build a better tomorrow, today

Start with a simple scene, canvas wrapped in a viewport. To keep our game playable on as many devices as possible, we’ll be using DOM sprites instead of the <canvas> tag.

<div class="viewport">
  <div class="canvas"></div>

Remember to put the closing tag for the canvas element right up against its opening tag. White space e.g. new lines, carriage returns, tabs, and spaces, will cause a TEXT node to show up inside that <div> in the DOM. When we’re looping over DOM sprites, having to skip TEXT nodes is annoying. Best just to prevent them showing up in the first place.

We’re targeting an old iPhone 4, so we’ll use CSS to size the viewport at 320x356 pixels. That’s the visible area in Safari on iOS, when the app’s not pinned to the home screen.

.viewport {
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  width: 320px;
  height: 356px;
  overflow: hidden;

Setting the overflow property to “hidden” means we can size our canvas larger than our viewport and draw sprites on the non-visible areas. We’ll use this to stage sprites before they’re needed and smoothly scroll them in an out of view.

.canvas {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: #ef4d94;

Finally, we’ll position our canvas inside our viewport, and give it dark pink background. It’s easier to spot misaligned textures if you keep your background color set to something that’s not in your sprite pallete.

The stage is set. Time for the sprites to enter.

Plant fields of green

We’re going to take a naïve approach to start, just to get something on the screen. We’ll use a 32x32 tile set, and put a <div> in the DOM for every row of tiles in the game. We’ll use CSS to handle styling and semantics, and JavaScript to handle creation and positioning.

.row {
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 32px;

.grass {
  background: url(grass.png);

Keeping the base shape of a row separate from the image that fills it makes it easy to add other backgrounds later. If we where building this out as a normal web page, we’d probably define “position”, “left” and “top” properties for our rows as well. But by limiting ourselves to just keeping the look of a row in CSS, we can freely experiment with different DOM layouts in JavaScript.

var tileWidth = 32
  , tileHeight = 32
  , canvasWidth = 320
  , canvasHeight = 356
  , numCols = Math.ceil(canvasWidth / tileWidth)
  , numRows = Math.ceil(canvasHeight / tileHeight)

Feel free to abuse global variables for constants like canvas and tile size. The goal here is to get something working. Note that we round up when calculating the number of rows and columns. This prevents gaps at the edges of the viewport.

funciton setup () {
  var canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas')
    , sprite = null
    , y = 0

  for (y = 0; y < numRows + 1; y += 1) {
    sprite = document.createElement('div')
    sprite.className = 'row grass'

We use the document.createElement() function to generate new rows, and the Node.appendChild() function to add them to the canvas.

Notice that we’re creating one more row than we need to cover the canvas. Because the viewport’s overflow attribute is set to “hidden”, this extra row will be invisible. As the rows scroll up, it will come into view.

We don’t need to bother setting position attriubtes on the rows. Because they have “block” display attributes, they’ll naturally stack up on on top of each other.

Here’s what it looks like.

Now let’s see if we can get our world moving.

Scroll, baby, scroll

The simplest approach to scrolling would be to move every row every frame. However, that will trigger a DOM repaint with every <div> we move, and if we’re not careful about subpixel positioning, it’ll lead to gaps where rows don’t quite line up.

Instead, we can just move the entire canvas, and let the browser handle keeping the rows butted up next to each other.

function render (now) {

  var canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas')
    , sprite = null
    , top = parseFloat(, 10)

  top -= 1

  if (top <= -tileHeight) {
    sprite = canvas.removeChild(canvas.firstChild)
    top = 0
  } = top + 'px'


We use the window.requestAnimationFrmae() function to add a render loop. Because it’s not supported by every browser yet, we have to include a polyfill to make it work.

Every time we run through our render loop, we move the canvas up one pixel. Once the top row goes out of view, we remove it from the DOM and add it back to the bottom of the canvas. Then we reset the top of the canvas so it lines up with the top of the viewport.

We kick off our render loop with a call to requestAnimationFrame. This ensures our first repaint lines up with the browser’s rendering. From then on, each time our render() function’s triggered, it calls requestAnimationFrame to schedule itself again.

Push the play button to see it in action.


I get 16 FPS on my Raspberry Pi, which is right inside the realm of playable. A general rule of thumb is that if you can get 15 FPS or better on a Pi, a first generation iPhone 4 should be able to handle your game just fine.

Timing is everything

Right now, our world is moving one pixel every time it runs through our render loop. Ideally, we’d be able to set a scroll speed, like 20 pixels per second, and stick to it regardless of frame rate. Fortunately, requestAnimationFrame comes to our rescue.

When requestAnimationFrame triggers our render() function, it passes in a time stamp indicating when the repaint will happen. If we subtract that current time stamp from the last time stamp, we can figure out how much time has passed between repaints. Let’s set up a timer class to handle that.

function Timer () {
  this.elapsed = 0
  this.last = null

Timer.prototype = {
  tick: function (now) {
    this.elapsed = (now - (this.last || now)) / 1000
    this.last = now

We set the elapsed time to now - (last || now) so that the first time we call Timer.tick() the elapsed time is zero. And we divide by a thousand so that our elapsed time is measured in seconds. Feel free to skip the division if you find milliseconds easier to deal with.

Now we can set up a new timer for our render loop. Here’s our render() function from before with new lines underlined.

var scrollSpeed = -20
  , timer = new Timer()

function render (now) {

  var canvas = document.querySelector('.canvas')
    , sprite = null
    , top = parseFloat(, 10)
    , offset = scrollSpeed * timer.elapsed

  top -= 1
  top += offset

  if (top <= -tileHeight) {
    sprite = canvas.removeChild(canvas.firstChild)
    top = 0
    top = offset
  } = top + 'px'

Instead of subtracting one pixel from the canvas’s top position, we’re subtracting our scroll speed multiplied by our elapsed time. That gives us the amount to move the canvas so it scrolls at 20 pixels per second.

Push the play button to see it in action.


Not much has changed visually. But our scroll speed’s now decoupled from our frame rate. Let’s see about bringing our world to life.

If a tree falls in a forest

Nothing quite says “forest” like a tree, so let’s plant some. Here’s a nice one.

We’ll use CSS to style our trees and JavaScript to create and position them. Like we did for rows, we’ll split our CSS into two classes, one that handles size and one that handles look.

.sprite {
  display: block;
  height: 96px;
  width: 96px;

.tree {
  background: url(tree.png)

One approach to generating a forest would be to place trees randomly. While that works, it tends to result in large splotches of empty space instead of uniform greenery. A different approach is to place trees on a grid and then adjust their position by a small random amount.

Just before the calls to Node.appendChild() in our setup() and render() functions, we’ll pass the row sprite into an updateRow() function. This will clear the row of old trees and add nwe trees to it.

var rowCounter = 0

function updateRow (row) {
  var sprite = null
    , left = 0
    , top = 0
    , x = 0

  row.innerHTML = ''

  rowCounter += 1
  rowCounter %= 3
  if (rowCounter !== 0) {

  for (x = -1; x < numCols; x += 3) {
    sprite = document.createElement('div')
    sprite.className = 'sprite tree' = 'absolute'

    top = -(tileWidth * 2)
    top += randInt(-(tileWidth * 2), 0) = top + 'px'

    left = x * tileWidth
    left += randInt(-tileWidth, tileWidth)  = left + 'px'


We clear the row by setting its inner HTML to an empty string. This handles the case in our render loop where the top row’s scrolled out of view. Since it’s being reinserted at the bottom, we want to remove any trees that are currently in it.

The rowCounter variable tracks the row we’re on. Since trees are three tiles tall, we only want to insert trees every three rows. Additionally, we move the tops of the trees two tiles up so their bases line up with the bottom of the row they’re on. This has the added benefit of keeping the z-index correct, since they’ll draw on top of the rows that came before them.

Because our trees are three tiles wide, we want to insert one every three columns. Incrementing x by three takes care of this. Starting x at -1 instead of 0 hides a bit of the first tree and makes the world feel like it extends past the edges of the game.

Here’s the randInt() function used to offset the trees.

function randInt (min, max) {
  var range = max - min + 1
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * range + min)

We get a range by subtracting the maximum value from the minimum. Multiplying by Math.random() gets a random number in that range. Adding the minimum value adjusts the random number so it lies between the maximum and minimum values. Finally, calling Math.floor() rounds the number down to an integer.

Using Math.floor() instead of Math.round() keeps our random number distribution uniform. If we used Math.round(), we’d end up with places where the trees clumped together.

Push the play button to see it in action.


The addition of trees drops the frame rate a litte. I’m down to 11 FPS on my Pi. Depending on the kind of game you’re building, this may or may not be acceptable. Either way, it’s a great jumping off point for your own scrolling world.

Let the credits roll

The idea for scrolling a world filled with trees comes from Sarah’s Hello Game, where you wonder through a forest.

Graphics for this demo come from a sprite set by Urbansquall. They where posted to the Game Poetry blog back in 2009, and I’ve kept them around on my hard drive since, waiting for a project. Guess this tutorial is it.