Frank Mitchell

Playing email chess with Sarah

I’m playing email chess with Sarah over Thanksgiving break, and I need someplace to record moves, rant about how I’m losing, formalize strategies, etc. Well, maybe not that last part. Moves are recorded in full algebraic chess notation, since it’s what I’m familiar with.

If I find a board / icon set that I like, I’ll post pictures too. Incidentally, she’s White, I’m Black.


  1. d2-d4, d7-d5
  2. b1-c3, g8-f6
  3. c1-g5, c8-f5

So, it turns out that Sarah and I had the board set up backwards. A closed Queen’s pawn opening wasn’t what either of us wanted, ergo, we’re starting over. Further updates once the long dark bus ride of the soul is over, and I’m in Boise.

Bus ride got over way too late yesterday. But now I’m in Boise and work can commence again. The good news is that I got a lot of thinking done, and some new ideas emerged. They’ll be developed in the posts to follow. For now, back to the chess.


  1. g1-f3, d7-d5
  2. e2-e3, g8-f6
  3. f3-e5, c8-e6
  4. f1-b5+, c7-c6
  5. b5-a4, b8-d7
  6. d2-d4, d7-b6
  7. b2-b3, b6xa4
  8. b3xa4, d8-a5+